Massage Is Part Of An Effective Integrative Medicine Program

If you have been putting together a treatment plan with your integrative medical care professional, you know that there are many benefits to participating in a holistic treatment plan. Your doctor may offer massage therapy as part of your treatment program.

Massage is a technique that can be used to address painful muscles and joints. It can also ease sore tendons and tension throughout the body. If you've considered massage therapy as part of an integrative treatment plan, here's what you should know.

Why Massage Is an Effective Integrative Technique

One reason why massage is such an effective choice is that improves the circulation of blood in the body. This means that parts of your body that are massaged will also receive more oxygen, which encourages that part of the body to heal more quickly. As this part of the body heals, you will see a reduction in inflammation.

Additionally, massage strengthens the immune system thanks to the flow of lymphatic fluid. Many integrative medical providers encourage massage as a way to stay healthy.

Conditions Massage Therapy Can Treat

One of the best things about massage therapy is that it can be used to treat a variety of external and internal injuries. For example, you might have back pain caused by scoliosis, a sports injury, or a muscular imbalance. Treatment can help address each of these causes, really getting to the root of your pain.

An integrative healthcare provider may also use massage to treat issues like headaches, chronic illnesses, anxiety, arthritis, and more.

How Massage Can Become Part of Your Integrative Treatment Plan

A great treatment plan incorporates massage in the way that benefits you most. For example, a doctor may recommend deep tissue massage if you are an athlete who is prone to becoming tense after a game. On the other hand, some integrative medical providers use abdominal massage to release tension that hinders mobility.

Your doctor can provide more information about your best options for a massage treatment plan. An integrative healthcare plan may also use massage alongside a variety of other techniques, including chiropractic care, corrective exercises, acupuncture, and traditional medicine.

Integrative Treatment Plans Benefit From Massage Therapy

If you have a physical injury or carry a lot of tension in your body, integrative treatment plans are a great option. If you've got questions about incorporative massage therapy into an integrative medical care plan, talk to your doctor about its many benefits.
