Herbal Medicines That May Help Alleviate Anxiety

Anxiety can really get in the way of your daily life. You may want to do something fun, but feel too overwhelmed with anxiety to do it. You may struggle to focus and do your best in job interviews and other important meetings. Thankfully, there are many different remedies and treatments for anxiety. There are even some herbal remedies, which you may want to give a try if you prefer a more natural approach to health.


People have long used chamomile tea when they felt worried or anxious. You can find this tea at most health food stores and even some grocery stores. Brew a cup by pouring 6 ounces of boiling water over a single tea bag. Let the tea steep for about 10 minutes to ensure you extract all of the potent compounds from the chamomile. Then, let the tea cool a little, and sip it. You can drink 2 - 3 cups throughout the day for lasting anxiety relief.

Cannabidiol (CBD)

CBD is a compound that is found in cannabis and hemp. It does not make you feel high, and it is legal to use in the United States. You can purchase CBD hemp flowers to smoke or vape for anxiety relief. There are also capsules that contain CBD, which you swallow like you would any other supplement or pill. Some companies even make CBD gummies, which you can enjoy one or two at a time throughout the day.


Ashwagandha is an herb that is frequently used in traditional Indian medicine. It is thought to lower your levels of various hormones that cause you to react to stress with feelings of anxiety. You can find ashwagandha capsules at most health food stores and at some pharmacies. For best results, take the capsules every day. You may not feel relief immediately, but you should feel less and less anxious as time goes on.

Valerian Root

Valerian root is a good herb to try if your anxiety keeps you up at night since it is known to help with both anxiety and insomnia. You can find valerian root tea to drink at bedtime. There are also valerian root capsules, which may be preferred if you need to take the remedy discretely at work.

If you suffer from anxiety, there are plenty of herbs that may prove helpful. Talk to your doctor or an herbalist to learn more, or a natural medicine store like Arcana Empothecary.
