Two Tips For Those Who Will Be Using Medical Marijuana To Manage A Health Condition

If your physician has prescribed you some medical marijuana so that you can use it to manage a health condition you have, you may find this advice useful.

Don't use it in combination with other natural health remedies initially

If in addition to medical marijuana, you had also planned to start using other natural health remedies, such as herbal tinctures or homeopathic products, you should put a pin in this idea of buying the latter. When you start taking this medicine, you need to spend the first week or two observing your body's reaction to it so that you can find out if the initial dosage your physician recommended needs to be titrated or if you need a different strain of medical marijuana.

If you begin to take another natural remedy at the same time as you start consuming medical marijuana, and you then notice some improvements in your symptoms or an unusual side effect, you might find it hard to tell which one is causing this change.

Giving yourself time to learn how this natural medicine affects your body and then adding in other natural remedies (if you feel a need to) after you have found the best strain and dose of marijuana for your health issue is the best way to avoid any confusion.

Tell those you're close to that you have started using this natural health product

It's sensible to tell the people you're close to that you have been prescribed medical marijuana and will now be taking it either regularly or occasionally. There are a few reasons why you should have this conversation. Firstly, depending on the strain of marijuana that your physician prescribes, it may make you a lot more relaxed or jovial than you normally are. It may also make you a little drowsy. These are all normal (and usually quite pleasant) effects of consuming this herb.

However, if you don't inform your family or partner, they might be concerned about your change in mood (even if it's a positive one) or your occasional, seemingly inexplicable drowsiness. Additionally, friends who are unaware of the medical applications of marijuana might be unnecessarily alarmed if they detect its scent in your home when they visit. By sharing the fact that you are consuming a safe, legal, and very effective form of marijuana as part of your health management strategy, you won't be subjecting your loved ones to needless bouts of worrying about your wellbeing.
