How Acupuncture For Fertility Works

Acupuncture is an ancient way to heal the body that has been used by the Chinese for centuries. It can be used to heal a number of disorders including migraines, pain, sleep disorders and can even improve digestion. Acupuncture can also be a way to improve fertility in women and improve sperm production in men, greatly improving your chances to start your family. Read on for further information about using acupuncture for fertility.

How It Works?

Acupuncture uses tiny needles throughout the body in proper placement made by a professional acupuncturist. These needles are so tiny that you will not even be able to feel them, so if you aren't a needle person, you don't have to be concerned about pinching or pain. Acupuncture treatments can range from one treatment or it could take several.

What It Can Do?

Acupuncture is used for a number of different conditions, but it will also help improve your chances of conceiving. Some things acupuncture can do for you includes:

1. Reduce Stress

Acupuncture can reduce your stress levels in both men and women, which can be one reason why you aren't able to conceive. If you have a lot of stress in your life, acupuncture can help reduce this stress with proper placement of acupuncture needles.

2. Improve Energy Flow

The flow of energy throughout the body can increase, which can open the path to the reproductive organs in the body, making your chances to conceive greater. This improved energy can also improve your mood and overall well-being.

3. Increase Blood Flow

The blood flow to your body will be increased, which can also improve your energy levels. The increased blood flow can also help to thicken the lining of your uterus and increase your chances of conceiving.

4. Balance Your Endocrine System

A well-balanced endocrine system can properly regulate the hormones to allow for proper ovulation and fertilization. Acupuncture can balance your endocrine system and improve other underlying fertility issues such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). 

Acupuncture can be used on it's own to improve your chances of conceiving, or it can be used in combination with IVF (in vitro fertilization) treatments. Talk to your physician about using acupuncture to improve your fertility and when to have acupuncture treatments if you are trying to conceive with IVF.

If you're trying to start a family and are having issues with conceiving, make an appointment with a professional acupuncturist for treatment to improve your chances and to improve your overall well-being to help prepare you for parenthood.
