Natural Treatment Options for Anxiety

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) affects both men and women. Treatments differ, and there is no one treatment that works well for everyone. Common Western medicine practices include prescribing anti-anxiety medication along with teaching patients mechanisms to help them cope with anxiety when it occurs. However, there are also many natural cures available that also work well for many GAD sufferers. The following guide will introduce you to a few of them.

Lifestyle changes

In some cases your lifestyle may be adding to your anxiety. Common changes that you can make that may help lessen or even eliminate GAD symptoms include the following.

  • Cutting out caffeine or at least cutting down on caffeine consumption.

  • Stopping alcohol use completely.

  • Getting more sleep.

  • Adding regular exercise to your routine.

Herbal remedies

A few herbal remedies have also been found to help with anxiety. Chamomile tea is a popular option. Chamomile tea, made from small white flowers, is well known for inducing calm and sleepiness, so chamomile is often marketed as an evening or bedtime tea. The same calming qualities can help offset anxiety.

Lavender is another common herb used for anxiety relief. In the case of lavender, it is the scent that is thought to calm GAD symptoms. You can purchase wands of dried lavender flowers, use dried lavender in a sachet, or purchase lavender essential oil. A little bit of essential oil goes a long way, and you can dab it onto your temples or put it into an oil burner when you feel anxiety coming on.

Dietary improvements

Some dietary changes may also help with anxiety. Try eating more foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as tree nuts or fish like salmon. The antioxidants found in berries, like blueberries, may also help offset GAD symptoms. B vitamins, found in foods like avocados and eggs, are also thought to help relieve anxiety issues. By opting for a well-balanced diet, you will also be creating a healthier body that can better withstand GAD symptoms.

Medical marijuana

Medical marijuana is not just for physical ailment; it can also help with mental disorders like GAD. This is because marijuana help dampen the stimulus of nerve cells, which can stop an anxiety attack in its tracks. There isn't even the need to get the effects of being "high." Medical product such as mouth sprays and edibles that are designed to deliver low dosages of cannabis without the side effect of being high work just as well as other medical marijuana products. Talk to your doctor about whether this treatment may be good for you, or talk to a company like Citadel Alternative Care for more information. 

For more help, contact someone with natural anxiety treatment experience in your area.

