4 Alternative Treatments That May Help Treat Depression

Depression is very difficult to live with, both for the person suffering from it and their loved ones. While there are a number of prescription medications on the market to help treat depression, some people do not like the side effects of medication or would prefer to try other methods to treat their depression before relying on strong pharmaceutical drugs. If you are suffering from depression, consider trying the following alternative treatments to see if they improve your condition:

Counseling and Psychotherapy

Working with a psychologist or psychiatrist can be incredibly helpful when you are dealing with depression. Talk therapy can help you get to the root of your problems and allow you to self-reflect. If your depression is related to some type of trauma that you suffered in your life, you may feel like a weight is lifted from your shoulders when you are able to discuss the situation and how it made you feel. Counseling and psychotherapy can be very personal, so don't be afraid to visit several psychologists or psychiatrists until you find one who you trust and feel comfortable with.

Regular Exercise

When you are in the grips of depression, it is not uncommon to not feel like doing anything. Getting into a regular exercise routine can help your feelings of depression-- when you exercise your body releases a feel-good chemical called endorphins which can greatly improve your frame of mind and outlook.

Activities that Promote Relaxation

Deep relaxation can help remove stress and diminish feelings of depression. You may want to consider trying yoga or meditation to achieve a deep relaxed state. Massage therapy can also be very helpful when you are looking for relaxation. 


If you prefer not to take pharmaceutical medication for your depression, supplements may be helpful. There is some evidence that St. John's Wort and SAMe may be effective in helping to treat mild to moderate depression. While these supplements can be purchased in drug stores and health food stores, it is in your best interest to speak to your doctor before you begin to take these supplements since they can interact with other medications.

No two people experience depression in the same way. An alternative treatment for depression may work better for some people than for others. If you are suffering from severe depression and have suicidal thoughts or want to hurt yourself in any way, it is important to forego alternative treatment methods and consult your doctor as soon as possible.
