Top Tips For Successfully Using HCG Injections

There is never a single way to lose weight. It would be easy if you could simply pop a pill and watch the fat melt off your body, but the human body simply does not work that way. Fortunately, in combination with diet and exercise, a natural hormone called HCG that occurs in a pregnant woman's body can help you lose weight, if you use this hormone in the right way.

Choose the Right Program

When choosing the HCG injection diet plan, find out which plans are currently available. Each plan lasts for a different length of time and has injections at different moments. 

Be Prepared to Diet and Exercise

Keep in mind that the HCG injection diet plan is meant to be used in combination with a low calorie diet and exercise. The hormone is meant to assist in the weight loss process, but not to serve as the only part of your weight loss plan. The best candidates are those who are already dieting and exercising, but still struggle to lose weight. You must keep your calorie intake below 500 to achieve your goals.

Plan Your Meals Well

Before beginning the diet, you will want to plan out your meals and go grocery shopping to make sure you have all of the right ingredients. If you prepare each week's meal ahead of time, you will find it easier to stay committed to your diet. If you instead wait until the last minute, you will be more tempted to take the easy way out and order fast food or other junk food.

Know What to Avoid

You cannot use sugar to sweeten drinks. You can use sugar substitutes though. Besides being careful about what you eat, you will need to limit your use of personal care products that contain fats.

Decide How to Intake HCG

The two ways to receive HCG into your system are through injections or through sublingual dosing. The HCG is mixed with water. You will have a dose injected once a day. The dose should be injected at the same time everyday. The second version involves mixing the HCG with the sublingual formula. Then, you must hold the formula under your tongue for at least five minutes. This must be done twice a day. Most patients prefer injections, but many start with sublingual dosing and turn to injections so they can more easily ease into the process of using HCG.

After you have lost the desired weight, the last stage is the stabilization stage. This allows for a return to a normal diet without putting on weight.
